Hi my names Ashley!

And with immense gratitude I want to say thank you for being here, finding my blog, taking the time to read!

I wanted to tell you a little bit about me, my mission and how this business came to me

My heart is what started this journey. I want to give back to the beautiful earth that gives to us each and every day 🌎


A few years ago, I backpacked south east Asia. 5 countries in 5 months, and it was very clear to me each day the pollution crisis in our world.

The beautiful beaches on Bali? Did you know you get plastic bags in your fingers as you swim? Or do you know every seaside every morning is covered in trash as the tide goes out and locals clean it up first thing in the morning,

 so the trash doesn't make it into photos....


Most of the trash comes from our own countries. For years we've shipped it over and dumped it. There is Garbage with English on it, and items that aren’t even stocked in their stores. (Very clearly our trash)

We need to start small and start where our privilege is strong. We as a first world country need to take accountability for our own waste and make small changes to eliminate the waste being created, purchased, and thrown out on a daily basis.


The Kootenay area doesn't have many options for sustainable products, and I wanted to fill that void. I try my absolute best to keep all my products at an affordable price so that they are accessible to all.

A sustainable lifestyle shouldn't break the bank.


It can be done with reusing, thrifting, and being conscious about the quality of your purchases.

Our products come from a variety of partnerships with businesses who have the same passion to care for our Earth.


My goal with my business is not to just share the products I sell,

but also share a little bit about my home life and the small changes I've made to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

We don't have to be perfect to start creating smaller footprints

I started at farmers markets, so I could make connections and have conversations with people! Build a community. 
Now the business is launching online, to make it more accessible! 

I'm so happy that you found this post.
I’m grateful if you have made it this far.
I’d love for you to follow along and help create a community of likeminded individuals


We have 2 homes.

Our body and our earth.

Let's treat them both with love ❤❤

Reach out anytime, I love to collaborate 

Xo Ash